Conservative Comedian Rob Schneider Announces Conversion To Christian Faith In Heartwarming Post

Rob Schneider, the conservative comedian known for his funny jokes and strongly pro-America, pro-conservatism tweets, just took to X (formerly Twitter) to show some gratitude for all the wonderful people in his life and announce his conversion to Catholicism.

Beginning, Schneider thanked all those in his life for their birthday wishes and commented on his beautiful family, saying, “I want thank ALL of the lovely people for their kind birthday wishes for me today on my 60th birthday. I am the luckiest man in the world. I have a wonderful partner in life, my beautiful wife Patricia and three lovely daughters; Elle, Miranda and Madeline.”

Continuing, he commented on how age has changed his view of life and its fragility, saying, “Today, I am reminded of what Dr. M Scott Peck told me over 30 years ago: At 40, you feel like you can conquer the world and there’s a sense that nothing can stop you. But at 60 you realize the very real fragility of life and temporariness of it all. A humbling knowledge that there is indeed a time limit for all things and that God’s design though perfect, is precious far beyond its brevity.”

Continuing on that point, he next spoke about the nature of life and death and using life wisely, saying, “Today, I am also reminded of the Hindu story that my friend Bill from Lowell Arkansas told me about a man at his funeral. Looking at the man, ‘Would this man lying here ask for more riches and Gold from the world? Would this man ask to be more famous and well regarded by others? Would he ask to be taller or look more handsome? No. The only thing this man lying here today would ask for was much simpler…more time.’ If you are reading this now, then you too have time! Use it wisely, use it unwisely too! But USE it. Be IN it. Be aware that you are part of ALL of it and that the separateness you sometimes feel is an illusion. Just as your heart beats without being told, you are as integral to the Sun that fires and the planets that circle it as your heart is a part of you.”

He then spoke about God’s love and human emotions, writing, “For the atheists, God loves you too. The mistake you make is to think the universe is a stupid thing that just bumps into things and expands ignorantly and without reason or intelligence. And that somehow we human beings, with our intelligence is just some kind of ‘freak’ universal accident. To you I say this, if there is such a thing as kindness, empathy, compassion and love…it is because you found it in other people. And as my dear friend Norm Macdonald once said, ‘We are part of this universe, indeed a mere fraction of it, so if we have kindness and love, how much more the universe itself.’ For if we are capable of love, it is because it is endemic to the universe itself. To quote Alan Watts, ‘For we didn’t come ‘in’ to the world, we came ‘out’ of it. We are the universe evolving to the point of consciousness, so that the universe, us, can experience existence and life in all it’s wonder and beauty and glorious exuberance.’”

That’s when he announced his conversion to Christianity and, as part of that, offered to forgive those behind the Covid tyranny, writing, “Lastly, as I am a new convert to Catholicism, I offer my apology for my lack of Christ’s forgiveness to my fellow man. I was so angry at the people who shut down schools and indeed the world and who coerced others to do things against their will which hurt many people deeply. I offer my unconditional forgiveness and amnesty.”

He added, “For how can I stay mad at the famous singer who would not let others in to his Broadway show unless they had an experiential jab. I will never forget how kind he was to me and my friends when he was the musical guest on SNL. How can I continue to hold a grudge against the actor who shamed people like me but has been such a great example for other actors to never give up and keep fighting for their dreams. How can I still be mad at the lovely actress that said she could no longer be friends with people like me who didn’t ‘get’ it, knowing how incredibly kind she is with every child she meets.”

And, speaking about how his mother’s shining example guides him in his effort to forgive, he wrote, “I am humbled by the example of my mother Pilar and how she was able to forgive the WW2 occupiers of her Philippines who killed both her brothers. At last it is forgiveness itself that is the gift that we give ourselves because it frees us as The Christ intends for all of us to be free. For His gift of ultimate and unlimited forgiveness is indeed the gift for all humanity. May God bless you and your families now and forever. With all my “You can do it” love, Robbie Schneider”

Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded tweet

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