Teachers should be allowed to hit back, but…

Video circulating the wild west of the Internet shows an unruly teenager slapping a female teacher in the face. The teacher, God bless her soul, just sat there taking the slaps like it was nothing. The caveman in me says this teacher should be allowed to stand up and slap the demons out of that kid and teach him a lesson. But, of course, that would be wrong and bring a legal mess and retaliation from the parents in most cases.

To be fair, I wouldn’t want a teacher to slap my child. But – I am raising my kid to not hit teachers. You know, that’s the difference. The kid in the video probably has a broken home and slapping him in the face will just break his second home, which is the school. Some schools are the only home that kids in urban areas feel safe in.

So how do you deal with students who assault teachers? The first thing people would say is to lock them up. I say that’s not going to teach them anything at all. If a child is so bad that they’re slapping teachers at school, it’s because they come from a home where the parents are most likely absent. Or they come from a home where they see violence and they’ve learned it.

So who’s to blame? I’d say this kid probably has shit-for-brains parents and the first step society should take is to punish bad parents when their bad kids act up. If your high school aged kid assaults a teacher, then maybe the child and the parents should be punished together. Make them take parenting classes on top of their criminal charges.

There’s time to change this for the better and criminal charges, while they must be given, are not the only answer. The parents and child need to learn how to be respectful and functional people in society. You won’t learn that in jail. Jail is a must for this child, to show them the rock bottom pits of society as punishment – but he and the family also need some help afterwards. A combination of punishment and reteaching people how to live a better life could really work for some folks. And if the teacher gets slapped again, well then maybe she should crack his head with a stapler and teach him a lesson. Self defense, right?

And, by the way, the student in the video above was arrested and charged.

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