Nicole Kidman, 56, called ‘desperate’ for revealing clothing choices

Celebrities are sadly not immune to hateful comments and trolling online, and Nicole Kidman has proven that she’s no different. In fact, the 56-year-old has received a…

Husband kisses wife’s head before delivery and whispers 5 words – 1 hour later he’s a single dad to quadruplets

It’s difficult to describe the emotions we feel the first time we find our we’re going to be parents. Whether we’re expectant mothers or fathers it makes…

Judge warns Fani Willis Prosecutors about possibility of jail

Fani Willis’ top prosecutor could find themselves in big legal trouble and behind bars if bad behavior continues. Of course, most of us would like to see…

TikToker Claims She Is “Suing” Her Parents For Giving Birth To Her Without Consent

A woman on TikTok named Kass Theaz has become popular with over 142,000 followers. She gained a lot of attention when she posted a video where she…

Wisconsin Dairy Queen Puts Up ‘Politically Incorrect’ Sign, Owner Stands By His Decision

A note that was written on the front window of a Dairy Queen restaurant in Kewaskum, Wisconsin, attracted notice and is presently trending online. The restaurant’s political…

Father Prioritizes Dog Over Son: Chooses to Carry Pet Instead

Dogs are man’s best friend, but how far does that friendship go? Recently, a father’s choice of carrying his dog while his young child walked beside him…

Elvis Presley Tomb Opened After 50 Years, What They Found SHOCKED The World!

In a scene reminiscent of a Hollywood thriller, the tomb of the legendary Elvis Presley was opened after being sealed for half a century, sending shockwaves through…

Little kid gave Joe Biden “the finger”

President Joe Biden says it happens all the time as he mentioned someone holding up an ‘F Joe Biden’ sign and a little kid giving him ‘the…

West Virginia girls refuse to compete against male

People are finally taking a stand against the craziness that’s being allowed to ruin girls and women’s sports. Several young girls in West Virginia protested against competing…


Gotta love when politicians talk like normal folks and tell reporters to “f*ck off” when they ask stupid questions or make dumb statements. Such was the case…